Saturday, October 18, 2014

Another Good Night For The Bulldogs? ::

They took a win:

I wish I could have been at Zemp Stadium for this one as it was also a celebration of the '64 state championship anniversary. Hard to believe that it has been 50 years!

The downside to the win last night is that there apparently was a big brawl with injuries. Details are sketchy this early on the morning after, but preliminary reports are that even coaches were throwing punches. I'll fill in more details as I have them.

Here's a statement from Dan Matthews, principal of Camden High:

Good Morning Camden High School Family. This is Dan Matthews, principal of Camden High School. I would like to take a moment to inform you about an incident which occurred last night at the end of the Camden-Dreher Football game. As many of you are already aware, as the players were shaking hands at the end of the game, a altercation broke out between some of the Dreher and Camden players. The coaching staffs of both schools and law enforcement intervened as quickly as they could to minimize the incident. This is not our way. It is unacceptable on every level and will be dealt with swiftly and justly. We do have a video of the incident and it will be shared with the SC High School League and has already been shared with law enforcement. Any person who took a swing with a fist or a helmet with be punished according to SCHSL rules, KCSD policy, and if need be, by law enforcement. We are cooperating with them in every way possible and they with us. As I said before, this is not the way CHS operates. It is our responsibility to bring pride and honor to our community. As rumors are of course rampant, I would ask that you reserve judgment until all the facts are clear. One fact however is clear, we will not tolerate this behavior. On Monday morning, we will begin again striving to be the best High School in SC by our work, our attitudes, and our actions. Work starts Monday. Thank you for your support and for all you do to help our children be successful. Have a great rest of the weekend.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out!

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