Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Bird Blogging ::

A few weeks ago I noticed a bird nest in my Boston Fern with 4 little greenish-yellow eggs. They hatched a couple of weeks ago andI now have little baby Mockingbirds in my fern causing me to be very careful with my watering, not to mention that I get dive bombed by the parents. Here is what they look like now:

I also got adopted by a stray kitten last Thursday so the menagerie seems to be growing. The little grey kitten showed up at night and looked a bit malnourished. I picked up some basic kitty supplies and she seems to be doing really well and is a very affectionate kitten. She is living in the garage right now and I'm trying to figure out how to acclimate my indoor Chow to a kitten. For some reason the kitty, named Missy, likes to sleep on my fish basket. I would have thought that would be uncomfortable but as long as she is happy I am happy. All I have to look forward to now are more vet bills!

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