Sunday, December 9, 2007

The First Real Post!

I regret having to miss the events honoring the memory of Michael Christmas this past weekend, but this entire thing got me started thinking about how we have lost touch, or at least I have, and I started thinking of how we could put together a web site accessible to any classmate who might be interested so I threw together this blogger page which I would like to see become a group blog where we can share memories, experiences, or whatever anyone would wish to comment about.

Here's how it works:

The blogger account is a subset to one of my other blogs (, but the Camden High account can be opened up for posting access by anyone who wishes to be a guest author. If anyone is interested they can e-mail me ( and I can access the blogger control panel and add that person as an author. Blogger then will send an e-mail to that person asking if they would like to be added as an author.

This really is easy and I think it would be a good way for everyone to keep in touch! What do you think?

If you're interested let me know at

Best to everyone,


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