Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Camden Visit ::

I'm afraid that when I got to Camden last Friday morning I found that my mother was back in the hospital suffering from pneumonia in addition to continuing to have some fluid around her heart. She just turned 89 earlier this month and, in addition to the physical problems, suffers from some degree of dementia. We're analyzing our options for long-term care right now so some amount of time was spent on that and I'm afraid that the options are, to some extent, limited. I'll probably be back over relatively soon.

I didn't have the time to do a lot of the things I had hoped to do, but I was able to carve out a short period of time to visit the Michael Christmas memorial site. I'm still sorry I was not able to get to the dedication, but I want to offer a salute to Buster and everyone who worked to make this memorial a reality!

I have never been to the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, but back sometime in the 1970's the traveling wall came to downtown Atlanta and I spent some time visiting it and found Michael's name. I can tell you that it was a moving experience!

I had hoped to take quite a few photographs but I only managed a couple of panorama photos of the Revolutionary War site and a photograph of an old Oak tree. Maybe next time!

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