Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Dr. Chad Oliver ::

I was listening to NPR this morning and the topic was the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl and part of the segment was an interview with Dr. Chad Oliver of Yale University. We went to school with a Chad Oliver but he was a couple of years ahead of us, as I recall. I knew Chad and his older brother Dan, but I don't really remember the context. I think it was a Boy Scout thing, but I'm not sure.

Anyway, I got to work and googled Chad Oliver + Yale and, sure enough, this is the same person that we went to high school with and Chad has been for several years a distinguished professor of forestry at Yale. Funny, but I never would have associated Yale with a forestry program. Chad and I exchanged e-mails this morning and it was really nice to reconnect.

One of the things I love about the internet is the ability to find friends from the past and not only have I been able to find old classmates, but I've also found several of my old Navy buddies including my division chief from both Adak, Alaska and Rota, Spain.

I tried uploading a video from Yale featuring Chad, but Blogger didn't seem to like it. If you're interested just Google Chad Oliver + Yale and you can find his bio and CV.

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